Kentucky Kids Farm

Sunday, July 13, 2014

More Birds!

As we wait for word from our incubator...

We picked up another Tom Turkey and a rooster.  The rooster is likely a Black Cockerel, but I'm not sure.  Our friends who are moving had these two poor birds left so they have now joined our flock.

This of course, brought no little disgruntlement from our current rooster and tom turkey!

The current tom quickly put his rival in his place (as of this morning though, they seem friends).

However, this was not the case for "Rusty Rooster" and the new rooster affectionately called Blacky.
Those two locked in battle for a good half hour under our porch trying to pull each others comb off.  At the end of the first battle, Rusty who is maybe 2/3 the size of Blacky seemed victorious and Blacky exiled himself to further down the fence from the roost are of our porch.
Not leaving well enough alone though, Rosty later followed him to his exile and battled him again.  Rusty was pretty badly defeated this time and left on the ground while Blacky moved back up the fence line to the roost area.  When I and Caleb got to Rusty, he was still on his back.  Upon seeing me, Caleb and Bear, Rusty rolled over, got back on his feet and scurried back up the hill.  Coming behind a bush he ambushed Blacky and joined battle with him once more!
Bear, who had made a good effort to stop their previous battle at the porch, this time physically separated them.  I'm guessing Rusty was claiming Bear as his "muscle" and with a loud crowing let Blacky know to leave the roost area again!

At the end of the day, Rusty resumed his dominate place at the top of the enclosure with Henny.  Blacky took a room in the butterfly bush that has been turned into apartments by the bantams and Rhode Island Reds.

This morning, they seem to be coexisting....  (seem)

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