Wow. This just blew my mind. I'm not sure whether the horse was grooming Bear or being playful or just trying to eat the dog! Give me your best guess.
Horse eating a dog:
We're a small family mini-farm located in Meade County, KY. We are raising chickens and turkeys, growing organic vegetables, started an apple orchard and produce woodworking projects. We are God fearing Christians who love the Lord and want to honor Him through our families life. Keep coming back for more of our updates, some simple how-to suggestions and a laugh or two.
Wow. This just blew my mind. I'm not sure whether the horse was grooming Bear or being playful or just trying to eat the dog! Give me your best guess.
Horse eating a dog:
Well, after having turkey eggs in the incubator almost 20 days, it looks liked the first one that will emerge is Henny Penny's little egg that joined late. I've got the brooder in and ready to set up. Tomorrow morning we should have a new chicken on the farm!
P.S. don't leave the incubator open for very long when they're coming out. They need that moisture to keep the membrane loose and easy to get out of. We're keeping the incubator at 60 plus % rh.
Well, I no sooner opened the garage doors this morning than in walked one of our Rhode Island Reds. He proceeded overt to a shelf in the garage and headed in to make her impromptu roost.
I guess home is where you found it.
Well, since our last post a lot has happened!
We now have 6 adult Rhode Island Reds and 4 Bantams! We're still building the final coop, so for now they've taken to Karen's butterfly bush. It is definitely more interesting now!
More to follow!
Today we introduced turkeys to our flock. They were a little rattled by the trip from Luke and Angela's, but after they were here they were right at home. They don't really dig the horse or Bear... I'm sure they'll warm up soon after a whole night of Bear's protection and barking.
Our turkeys claim there own perch.
Evening at KY Kids Farm:
Check out this video of our chickens going beyond a dust bath to packing their feathers with mulch and dirt. Their enjoying the coolness of the shade. Also their getting their fill of the bugs, worms and grubs in the mulch.
It makes them happy, that's for sure!
In the near future we'll be purposely putting some mulch beds in proximity of their nesting areas in order to preserve our planting beds. I'll probably also feed worms from our future worm beds into it too.
Have you ever lost the plastic arms on your fire extinguisher bracket?
That's no fun, especially if it hands in a high traffic area.
Here is a fix, especially if you or someone you know is in the Army.
First you need boot blousers, which are basically large elastic bands worn strong velcro on the ends.
Next, loosen the bracket and slide the blouser behind it and re-tighten it. BOOM, your fire extinguisher is safe again.
As a side note, pull the velcro tight enough to leave a tab for easy snatching and pulling.
Hope that helps...