Kentucky Kids Farm

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Dust Bath Time

 after being "coop'd" up for a few days, it was time for the girls (and roosters) took some time to get themselves a quick dust bath and some sun.

Coop maintenance

 Well I realized during this last cold snap that my my  coop wasn't more than 10 degrees warmer than the outside at any time and that was with  heat lamps running!

 The one day I was out there I dropped the hood on my jacket and realized why! The area at the top, where the metal roof meets the coop was a constant wind stream.
 What I cleverly wrote off as ventilation in the summer was now making my coop little more than a poor windbreak!

 So. . .

 Two tubes of caulk, and two  cans of great stuff foam later, l have significantly  decreased the draft.

Believe it or not, the foam expands just fine in temperatures below freezing.  This was a two day operation and the foam from the previous day was ready for trimming when I got out there.

One more can and tube each and i think it's done.

Here's some pics...