Kentucky Kids Farm

Saturday, June 28, 2014


A good friend of ours is selling us some turkeys.  When we told our son we were getting turkeys,  he said, "with vegetables?"
I guess we know the fate of these two birds...

Woodworking Begins

Part of the KY Kids farm is our woodworking!   WELL...  That shop is now up,  running and producing.  Pretty soon we'll add these custom desk plates to our Web site for ordering.
Until then,  just shoot me an email about them.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Henny Penny gets broody

Yesterday as I went to collect our usual tribute from Henny, I found that she was still setting on her egg!  
Well,  she gave me a look that told me she was not releasing this egg.   So I let her be and decided, "good for her. "
However,  later we heard a terrible ruckus.   Apparently our Franken - birds dislodged her from her perch!   She was upset to put it mildly.   Well, this morning I brought her egg into the incubator.  
We already have the turkey eggs in there,  but I figure the needed conditions aren't too different.
Here goes nothing!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Turkey Eggs- take 2

OK, our first batch of Turkey eggs didn't do so hot...

Not to make excuses, but it was our first attempt at them, we had just gotten the incubator, and we really didn't have a clue what we were doing!

Thanks to our friends Luke and Angela though who set us up with another batch of turkey eggs and gave us some good hints and advice...  Now we are ready to try again!

So this is day one.  I fixed up the air circulator in our unit.  The person who sold it to us had suspended it by shoelaces before.  We went with zip strips and we also plugged up some of the holes in the bottom of the unit that were making it impossible to hold water and retain humidity.

Here's a quick prayer that God blesses us with turkeys...

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Irrigation 2.0

Well,  found this timber in the shed a couple days ago...  I was contemplating the fact that I needed timers for our garden,  and the individual ones we had before were getting,  well,  older.  
So here goes nothing.   Let's see if it works.   More to follow.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Well, today I put the final touches on our irrigation system.  In the past I used post mounted sprinklers or drip hoses (regular hoses with holes drilled every couple feet). 
This year we're doing BOTH! 
For sprinklers we have the cheapest ones they sell at Dollar General.  3 of them.  The water pressure here is too low to successfully run all 3 at one time. 
For drip hose, we're switching in soaker hoses.  We buy the cheap 50 foot ones at Dollar General again.  Then we cut them down to 25 foot and cap the end with hose repair parts.  Basically, for the price of a 25 foot hose at Lowes or Walmart, we get two. 
The soaker hoses are connected to a "manifold system" of pvc pipe. 
This all connects to a 4 way splitter.  The soaker hoses have a manual timer.  The rest have to be switched manually for now.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Chickens...

Well, here its what we have in our flock so far...  Two Marnes, nine cornish cross, five production reds, four rhode island reds and our newest addition, six leghorns.  The Marnes are our senior class, the cornish are our juniors, the reds are our sophomores and the leg horns are our freshman class.  In this grand analogy, Bear the German Shepherd is the principal...

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Getting Started

Welcome to Kentucky Kids Farm!

We're a small family farm in North Central KY on about 6 acres.
Keep coming back for pictures, updates and cool pics.  Also, feel free to give us your feedback and ideas.

This year is mainly about setup, next year we hope to suppliment our family income with produce and eggs from our little farm.